RJS 23: Schools Resources

These activities are a way of engaging with Racial Justice Sunday (RJS), however this theme is relevant for the whole year rather than just one Sunday and so can be used by schools and parishes at any time.

These resource can be amended by staff or students from primary or secondary schools or colleges. They are extremely versatile and can be easily adapted to suit the needs and abilities of schools, for example they can support pupil-led worship and/or teacher-led learning.

Engage with this Initiative

It is important because it can help to create positive change where people of all races and cultures can be treated fairly and we can build a better and more peaceful world. It also links with the Catholic Schools Inspectorate (CSI) which encourages pupils knowing and understanding Catholic Social Teaching, the school following the liturgical year (such as Racial Justice Sunday) and pupils taking a leading role in prayer/liturgy.
