The Catholic Bishops of England and Wales met for their autumn plenary meeting at Hinsley Hall in the Diocese of Leeds from 16-19 November 2015. Here you can read or download the statements and resolutions.

In 1970, the Prayer for the Jews in the liturgy of Good Friday was revised so as to reflect and express the teaching on Judaism contained in the Vatican II document Nostra Aetate.

Here you can read or download the resolutions from the Bishops' Plenary Meeting held at Hinsley Hall, Leeds, from 16 - 19 November 2015. The statement released on the refugee crisis is separate but linked.

The Bishops of England and Wales met at Hinsley Hall, Leeds, for their autumn plenary that took place from 16-19 November 2015.

The Bishops of England and Wales released a statement on the on-going refugee crisis after their November 2015 plenary meeting.