Principle 22 – Love the Stranger

The twenty second guiding principle of our document Love the Stranger


We recognise the gifts that migrants and refugees bring which can enrich our society in many ways, including economically.

Intercessory Prayer

Lord Jesus we ask for your blessing on all migrants and refugees
protect them from feeling isolated and helpless
grant them confidence in an unfamiliar environment
and may they overcome all barriers of language and cultural differences
meet their needs for safety and for shelter
and may they be welcomed with joy and generosity
so they can begin their new life in this country
may they contribute to the culture and the economic changes
that profoundly shape the countries growth
may they use their knowledge and skills to make an invaluable contribution to society
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Intercessory Prayer




願他們也能為城市的發展,文化和經濟變革更新奉獻一份力量, 為社會的發展进步奉獻自己的知識及技能。 



Love the Stranger

‘Love the Stranger’ presents a Catholic response to refugees and migrants. It is a 2023 document of the Department for International Affairs.


< Principle 21

Principle 23 >