Laudate Deum – “Praise God for all his creatures”

Laudate Deum is Pope Francis' Exhortation on the global climate crisis. It follows the 2015 Encyclical Laudato Si' where Pope Francis challenges us to be better custodians of our common home.

On 4 October 2023, the Feast of St Francis Assisi, Pope Francis released the Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum – “Praise God for all his creatures” – as a follow-up to his 2015 Encyclical Laudato si’.

The Holy Father calls for urgent action saying some effects of the climate crisis are already irreversible and that we’re approaching a critical point.


You can download the full text of Laudate Deum here.

Laudate Deum

Summary of Laudate Deum

On 4 October, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Pope Francis published an apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum (Praise God). This is a summary of that document.

Download the Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum

The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has released the Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum – “Praise God for all his creatures”.