Catechesi Tradendae – Module Three

Part Three of our Catechesi Tradendae Study Guide stresses that everybody needs to be catechised and the ways and means of forming Catholics in the faith.

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Catechesis is something much more profound than simply transmitting information: it reveals deep and essential truths about the world and our place in it; it cultivates our hearts and minds so that the Gospel can be rooted deeply in us and bear fruit; it gives meaning and understanding to religious practice; and through all of this helps us to deepen our relationship with Christ.

In short, catechesis is a vital element in the continuing conversion of all Christians, and because all are called to conversion, everybody needs to be catechised.

In this section of text, Pope St John Paul II looks not only at the internal dispositions of faith of the human person, but also at their cultural existence, their life in the world.

Prayer Before Study

St Thomas Aquinas’s Prayer

Come, Holy Spirit, Divine Creator, true source of light and fountain of wisdom! Pour forth your brilliance upon my intellect, dissipate the darkness which covers me, that of sin and of ignorance. Grant me a penetrating mind to understand, a retentive memory, method and ease in learning, the lucidity to comprehend, and abundant grace in expressing myself. Guide the beginning of my work, direct its progress, and bring it to successful completion. This I ask through Jesus Christ, true God and true man, living and reigning with You and the Father, forever and ever. Amen.


This 23-page PDF contains:

  • Meditation on the Themes of the Text
  • Outline of the Text
  • Text of Catechesi Tradendae
  • Summary Questions
  • Lectio Divina Passages
  • Prompts for Journaling
  • Discussion Questions

It can be downloaded and printed so you can follow the third section of Catechesi Tradendae.


We have produced four audio readings of Catechesi Tradendae. Archbishop John Wilson reads the third quarter of the document. Note: This was produced in 2019 – the 40th anniversary of Catechesi Tradendae.

Prayer After Study

Holy Lord, I thank you for the opportunity you have given me to study your Word and to grow in knowledge and love of your wisdom. As I now return to other tasks I pray that you will continue to enlighten my mind to know you better and enflame my heart to grow in love of you. Help your holy Word to take root and blossom in my soul so that all that I have learned in study may shine forth in everything that I do. Help me to build up your kingdom here on earth and grant me many more opportunities to know you better through study. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, your living and true Word. Amen.