Christian Life and Worship

The Department for Christian Life and Worship advises the Bishops on subjects relating to the material and spiritual life of the Church.

Areas of Work

The Department advises the Bishops on subjects relating to the material and spiritual life of the Church.

The word ‘Patrimony’ describes the Church’s cultural inheritance in terms of architecture, art and artefacts. 

The different forms of prayer or spirituality are ‘like the colours of the spectrum which all point to the pure light of God. They all start with a fundamental element of faith, so as to lead — in each case by a different gate—to the centre of the faith and devotion to God.


Contact information for the Department of Christian Life and Worship and its Subcommittees; Liturgy Committee, Patrimony Committee and the Spirituality.

Working with Others

The Department for Christian Life and Worship represents the Bishops’ Conference in a number of organisations.