Catholic Bishop’s Concern for Vulnerable Migrants and Migrant Families

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In response to the Immigration Bill introduced on 10 October 2013, the Catholic Bishop for Migrants, Bishop Patrick Lynch raised his ongoing concern for the needs of vulnerable migrants and migrant families, particularly in the area of accommodation and access to health services in the UK.
He said that some migrant families could now face destitution: “the expectation placed on private landlords to conduct immigration status checks on tenants before providing accommodation, will deny many vulnerable migrants the right to suitable housing and could lead some migrant families into destitution”.
And highlighted that the vulnerable would be worst hit by the Government’s charging proposal. He emphasised that: “the charging proposal will not only deny access to healthcare but increase inequalities among members of society and will have a disproportionate impact on the most vulnerable migrants particularly women and children”.
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales submitted a response on the Consultation on Migrant Access and their Financial Contribution to NHS Provision in England in August 2013.


Catholic Bishops’ Conference Response