Archbishop’s Address to Caritas Network Conference

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Archbishop Vincent Nichols’ Address to Caritas Network Conference

Archbishop Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster, has spoken about how the Catholic community might seek to contribute further to the task of deepening social engagement in the coming months. He noted that “the dignity of the person and the common good, of course, are at the heart of our work, and this is the defining characteristic of Catholic charities and, in particular here today, Caritas.” He also explained the thinking behind the Bishops’ Conference’s recent decision regarding the development of Caritas in England and Wales.
The Caritas Network Conference is exploring:
The future of Caritas – possible new structures and relationships

The urgent needs of the vulnerable and marginalised – how quickly we can develop new skills

Catholic Social Teaching – its role in our work

PDF The Archbishop’s Address to Caritas Network Conference

Address to Caritas Network Conference