The Catholic Bishops of England and Wales met for their autumn plenary meeting at Hinsley Hall, Leeds, from 10-13 November 2014. Here you can read or download the statements and resolutions.

A statement from the November 2014 Bishops' Conference Plenary meeting at Hinsley Hall, Leeds, on Religious Education.

The Bishops of England and Wales met at Hinsley Hall, Leeds, for their autumn plenary meeting from 10-13 November 2014.

A statement from the November 2014 Bishops' Conference Plenary meeting at Hinsley Hall, Leeds, on Day for Life

A statement from the November 2014 Bishops' Conference Plenary meeting at Hinsley Hall, Leeds, on the Year for Consecrated Life

A statement from the November 2014 Bishops' Conference Plenary meeting at Hinsley Hall, Leeds, on Poverty

A statement from the November 2014 Bishops' Conference Plenary meeting at Hinsley Hall, Leeds, on The Synod.