Many Catholic churches and cathedrals across England and Wales are using the month of October to take part in a national rosary mission titled ‘Rosary Whirlwind British Isles’.
Also in Days and Weeks of Prayer
World Day of the Sick > Grandparents and Elderly > Peace Sunday 2020 > November Novena > Lockdown Prayers > Sunday of the Word of God > Youth Sunday 2020 > Communications Day > Vocations Sunday 2020 > Pray for China > People with Disabilities > Youth Sunday 2019 > Digital Youth Ministry >These are uncertain times. A global viral pandemic as we head into the colder autumn and winter period has heightened our collective stress and anxiety. But now is a time for solidarity – to rally together and support each another.
One unifying way of doing this is to place Christ at the centre – to pray for the Intercession of Mary, His Blessed Mother, for our intentions. The month of October each year is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary.
Many Catholic churches and cathedrals across England and Wales are using the month of October to take part in a national rosary mission titled ‘Rosary Whirlwind British Isles’. Our Lady’s Shrine in Walsingham, the national shrine, is one of the co-hosts.
You can pray the rosary online every evening in October at 8pm – broadcast live by a different Marian Shrine, cathedral or parish.
The prayer initiative has four key intentions to encourage faith, life and peace to prevail in our nations:
The Rosary Whirlwind Mission culminates in the ‘National Rosary Relay Rally’ across our dioceses and those of Scotland and Northern Ireland on Saturday 31 October – All Hallows Eve.
From 9am to 9pm, many of our bishops are leading a designated Rosary Holy Hour for their dioceses either from their Cathedrals or chapels.
Our Lady of Walsingham, pray for us.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Here’s a PDF promoting the National Rosary Relay Rally.