Donate to support the St Bernadette Relic Tour

Help support this once in a lifetime event to provide an opportunity for people of all ages and backgrounds to experience the special gifts and charisms of Lourdes, in a church or cathedral near them. Your donation will generously support this important undertaking in the life of our national faith family, with all donations used to meet the local and national and costs of the visit.

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The Relic Tour, which has taken many months to plan, has been made possible through a close collaboration between the Sanctuary in Lourdes, dioceses, the Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales (CaTEW), and our many venue partners and teams. The financial cost of bringing the sacred Relics of St Bernadette to England, Wales, and Scotland, and arranging the national tour amounts to at least £200,000, with donations helping to provide much needed transport and security for the Relics, printed and digital materials to enable and encourage prayer, and cover the costs of our churches and cathedrals while the Relics are with them. 

Making a donation to this very special pilgrimage will enable people across our churches and communities to enrich and renew themselves spiritually, providing important opportunities for prayer, reflection, renewal and healing. The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes in France is not making any charge for the Relic Tour. In recognition of the financial challenges facing the Shrine, and their generosity of spirit in sending the Relics to us, CaTEW will donate any surplus funds to the Sanctuary in Lourdes on behalf of the Church in England and Wales, to help support their important work and mission and enable them to continue welcoming pilgrims from across the world. 

Thank you for your generosity of heart.


Catholic Trust for England and Wales.  A limited company registered in England & Wales, Company number: 04734592. Registered Charity number 1097482. Registered office: 39 Eccleston Square, London, SW1V 1BX.