Bishop of Portsmouth Pastoral Letter

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Pastoral Letter for the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity (Sunday 26th May 2013) from the Bishop of Portsmouth. The letter was read out in all churches and chapel in the Diocese of Portsmouth on the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity.

Within the letter, Bishop Egan invites every Catholics to consider tithing time and talents to Christ’s service:
‘Indeed, I would like to invite every Catholic to consider tithing, that is, donating 10% of your time and talents to Christ’s service, especially the care of the needy. It would be good if every Pastoral Area engaged in local works of charitable assistance, thus giving witness that the Jesus we love in the Eucharist is the Jesus we love in the poor.’

He asks that ‘We pray for Queen and country, as we recall next week the 60th anniversary of her Majesty’s Coronation.’

And concludes by turning to Mary – ‘We ask Mary’s prayers too for a fresh outpouring of the Spirit on our land, so that many more will come to know, serve and
love Jesus Christ, whose Heart in the Eucharist, pierced by a lance, burns limitlessly with love for us.’


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Portsmouth Pastoral Letter Year of Faith