Adoremus Programme and Resources

Here you will find further information about 'Adoremus at Oscott' on Saturday, 14 September.

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Adoremus at Oscott

The 2024 National Eucharistic Congress takes place at St Mary’s College, Oscott on Saturday 14 September 2024. It has been scheduled to coincide with the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress in Quito, Ecuador from 8 – 15 September 2024. This enables us to unite in our parishes, and at Oscott, with the universal Catholic Church as we come before the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

Unlike Adoremus in Liverpool in 2018, this is not a public event, although each diocese is expected to send pilgrims, approximately a coach-load, as well as Catholics representing the Bishopric of the Forces, the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, and the Syro-Malabar and Ukrainian Eparchies.

The fact that there are limited, invitation-only places for Adoremus at Oscott doesn’t mean that Catholics throughout England and Wales are excluded – far from it.

Adoremus in my parish

On Sunday 15 September, the Bishops of England and Wales invite all parishes across our countries to have a period of Adoration in our churches to unite the faithful in focusing on the Eucharist in anticipation of the Jubilee Year with renewed and deepened devotion. This can be a Holy Hour or a period of prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Resources to support this solemn, beautiful time of prayer will be made available in due course.

For attendees

For those from our dioceses attending on the day, here is a breakdown of the schedule. Outside the main events on the programme, pilgrims will be able to take part in a variety of activities. There will be, for example, a Blessed Carlo Acutis presentation to learn more about the London-born teenager who will be the Church’s first millennial saint. You can also join a Rosary walk in the grounds, plus there will be opportunities for Scripture encounter, pilgrimage walks, and a Lectio Divina workshop.

10amActivities for those who arrive early
11amWelcome and Keynote Address by Bishop Alan McGuckian of Down and Connor
12 noonAngelus and Mass. Principal Celebrant Cardinal Vincent Nichols
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available throughout the afternoon in the College Chapel.
2pmKeynote Address by Sister Margaret Atkins OSA
3pmActivities / Afternoon Break
4:30pmEucharistic Procession and Benediction

Adoremus has been generously supported by St Mary’s College, Oscott and the Guild of Our Lady of Ransom.