Care of Churches

Part of the management of historic churches, and any church, is the continuing care for the fabric and furnishings.

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The Patrimony Committee has prepared a series of guidance notes for Historic Churches Committees and for parishes. For guidelines on making a church inventory, information on care and conservation of churches and notes on being responsible for a listed building.


Guidance Conservation Churches
Advice and guidance for the care and conservation of churches and their contents

Guidance Listed Buildings
Notes and guidance for those responsible for Listed Buildings under the Government Exemption Scheme

Guidance Archaeological Matters
Guidelines to help Historic Churches Committees understand their responsibilities relating to archaeological matters


Consecrated for Worship
Bishops’ Conference document on the building, alteration, conservation and maintenance of the Church’s places of worship. It assembles material from the liturgical books of the Roman Rite and the teaching documents and guidelines of the Holy See. In addition it applies and develops that teaching to the particular circumstances of the Church in England and Wales.

Inventory Guidelines
Guidelines for making an inventory of church objects of artistic and historical interest

Providing assistance for those who are forced to dispose of objects from Churches