Pope Francis gives his blessing to Day for Life 2024

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Pope Francis has sent a message to Bishop John Sherrington, Lead Bishop for Life Issues at the Bishops’ Conference, praising Day for Life for encouraging “a deeper understanding of the precious gift of life”.

Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican Secretary of State, conveyed the message to Bishop Sherrington, assuring him of the Holy Father’s “closeness in prayer”.

Full message

His Holiness Pope Francis sends warms greetings of good wishes to the participants in the 2024 Day for Life to be celebrated in England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland on 16 June, and he expresses gratitude for those bearing witness to the sanctity of human life in all its stages.

His Holiness prays that through their reflection on the theme “The Lord is my shepherd – compassion and hope at the end of life”, this public testimony will encourage a deeper understanding of the precious gift of life and a greater desire to protect the most vulnerable from a culture that would pressure them into ‘assisted suicide’, which is falsely presented as a form of compassion.

It is likewise his hope that those nearing the end of their earthly journey will recognise the immense value of their lives, experience the comforting presence of Jesus and their loved ones, receive dignified care and trust deeply in God’s promise of eternal life. To all taking part, especially the young, the Holy Father sends the assurance of his closeness in prayer, and he cordially sends his blessing as a pledge of joy, strength and peace in Christ, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Cardinal Pietro Parolin
Secretary of State, Holy See