Episode » Introducing the O Antiphons

Introducing the O Antiphons

O Antiphons
O Antiphons
Introducing the O Antiphons

The O Antiphons contain images from the Old Testament that give us insight into the new life that we welcome at Christmas, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

They are sung with solemnity at evening prayer in the pre-octave of Christmas from the 17-23 December.

Read backwards each letter spells the Latin phrase ‘ero cras’ meaning tomorrow I will be here. Hence the expectation of the one who sings the antiphons looking forward to the birth of the Messiah.

We are uploading a short reflection for each O Antiphon, starting with O Sapientia on 17 December.


You can subscribe to listen to the O Antiphons using your podcasting platform of choice. Subscribe using Spotify, and Amazon/Audible and Apple Podcasts.
Feed: cbcew.org.uk/feed/podcast/o-antiphons


With grateful thanks to OPChant – an initiative of two Dominican friars – Stefan Ansinger O.P. and Alexandre Frezzato O.P. Find OPChant on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.