World Day of Prayer

World Day of Prayer is a global, ecumenical movement of informed prayer and prayerful action observed traditionally on the first Friday in March.

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When: Friday 1 March

By Ann Bayley, a member of Birmingham’s Diocesan Commission for Promoting Christian Unity representing Black Country Churches engaged

World Day of Prayer is a global, ecumenical movement of informed prayer and prayerful action observed traditionally on the first Friday in March.

It starts at dawn on the international date line in Samoa. As the earth rotates a great wave of prayer sweeps across the Pacific, New Zealand and rolls on through Asia, Japan, Philippines, Bangladesh, the countries of Africa, Middle East and Europe. Moving over the Atlantic to the Americas until sun sets in American Samoa for the final service having completed a worldwide circle of prayer.

The idea of prayers for mission began in the 19th Century with women’s groups in Canada and North America. In 1926 they distributed a worship service to many countries who responded with enthusiasm and thus began a women’s World Day of Prayer written and led by women. The first UK service was held in Scotland in 1930.

Every five years an international committee of women meet to select a country and a biblical theme and invite the Christian women from that country to prepare the service. Every service provides a flavour of local culture including music and art and brings all people around the world to listen to the success and struggles of women and families in that country. 

The theme for 2024 is “I beg you, bear with one another in love”, based on Ephesians 4:1-7. 

The annual magazine Together in Prayer provides historical and geographical information photographs and prayers based on the chosen theme and is well worth £3.50. Service booklets are issued free of charge.

In the parish of Blessed Carlo Acutis in Wolverhampton two services are planned on Friday 1 March 2024. The first is at St Benedict Biscop church, Wombourne at 2pm and the second is at St Michael’s at 7pm.

Services will be taking place in locations around the globe on that day too where all Christians will be praying for the women and families of Palestine, the chosen country for 2024. 

World Day of Prayer Website

Diocesan Commission for Promoting Christian Unity