Newman and the Call to Holiness

The third and final theme of the conference 'Newman - A Celebration' was 'Newman as Priest'. Sister Kathleen Dietz FSO from Das Werk examined Newman and the Call to Holiness.

“That holiness to which all are called and which was brought again to the fore by the Second Vatican Council does not consist in extraordinary spiritual phenomena or in heroic deeds. It is lived, as Newman has shown us, in the detachment from the world which comes from love of and attachment to Christ, and through this in the participation in the world’s salvation which holds the world together.

“Because, as we have seen, the one deep wound of the world is separation from God and holiness is union with God. The call to holiness is, then, a call to help heal the wound of the world, and this is that to which all Christians of all times and places are called.”

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