Election resources from the Centre for Catholic Social Thought and Practice

The Centre for Catholic Social Thought and Practice has complied a list of resources for anyone interested in the role faith plays in engaging in politics.

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The Centre for Catholic Social Thought and Practice acts as network and focal point through which like-minded groups within the Catholic community can more easily collaborate with one another.

It has complied a list of resources for Catholic parishes, schools, groups and individuals, as well as for anyone interested in the role faith plays in engaging in politics.

The Centre’s affiliated organisations include many of the key institutional bodies nurturing Catholic social thought and practice in the UK: CAFOD, CSAN, the Von Hügel Institute at Cambridge, the Las Casas Institute at Oxford, and Durham University’s Centre for Catholic Studies.


Visit a dedicated section on the Catholic Centre for Social Thought and Practice website to access practical information on registering to vote, finding out who your local candidates are, attending hustings, and the location of your local polling station.

You will also find PDFs and resources from its network on a variety of issues of interest to Catholics, organisations and parishes. There is also a useful section offering resources for first time voters.

Visit the section on the Catholic Centre for Social Thought and Practice website for the general election.