CAFOD & St Vincent de Paul Society General Election guide for Catholic voters

As Catholics, we have a responsibility to make sure political parties commit to tackle the injustices that affect our global family and to care for our common home.

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With a UK general election having been called for 4 July, politicians are looking for our votes – and will be listening to what voters want.

As Catholics, we have a responsibility to make sure political parties commit to tackle the injustices that affect our global family and to care for our common home.

The SVP’s (St Vincent de Paul Society) and CAFOD’s campaign wants to help the Catholic voice be heard in the next General Election, and we want to make sure our politicians make tackling poverty a priority.

Tackling global poverty

On CAFOD’s election page, you can sign up to hear more on how you can campaign with the agency during the general election. They’ll be in touch during the election campaign with different ways you can call for action to tackle global poverty.

Sign-up here.

Call for action at the election

Calling for action is a powerful way of showing how Catholics in constituencies around England and Wales expect politicians to commit to tackling poverty.

All of us can contact candidates standing for Parliament about the issues that matter most to us. CAFOD will be sharing information and tools for doing this as the election draws closer.

Briefings and resources


You can find a number of CAFOD’s PDF resources on its website to help you reach out to candidates. So whether you want to read its general election manifesto, or access briefings on a wide range of issues from Aid and Development, Climate Change and Debt Cancellation, to Migration and Asylum, Cost-of-Living and Human Rights, you’ll find it all in CAFOD’s General Election section.

St Vincent de Paul Society

The SVP are inviting parishes to reach out to their local candidates ahead of the next election. This is not about party political affiliations, but rather about strengthening community participation as a local faith group, and practicing the culture of encounter that Pope Francis talks about:

“. . . with our faith we must create a “culture of encounter,” a culture of friendship, a culture in which we find brothers and sisters, in which we can also speak with those who think differently…”

You can find all the SVP resources in their General election section