
A Papal Encyclical is a circular letter which is written by a Pope to an audience of bishops and is intended to guide them in their ministry.

Bishop Moth

Bishop Richard Moth on Fratelli tutti'

CAFOD Reflection

CAFOD describes Fratelli tutti' as "a radical blueprint for a post-coronavirus world."

Long Summary

Fraternity and social friendship are the ways the Pontiff indicates to build a better, more just and peaceful world


Various people from different cultural backgrounds presented Pope Francis’s new Encyclical “Fratelli tutti” in the Vatican’s new Synod Hall on Sunday.

Fratelli tutti'

Fratelli tutti' - On Fraternity and Social Friendship

Fratelli tutti

Fratelli tutti is Pope Francis's encyclical on "human fraternity" and "social friendship".

Laudato si'

Laudato si' is the Pope's Encyclical Letter on the environment

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