Recycling and Saving Energy at Work
Wednesday, May 29th, 2013 @ 11:30 am
Recycling at work is a great way to increase your business sustainability and help to reduce climate change.
Once you start to recycle at work, you’ll experience the wide range of benefits that come with making your company a more sustainable and environmentally responsible organisation. By saving on energy and utility bills an organisation can reduce its business cost along with its carbon footprint. Try and not leave your environmentally friendly habits at home!
What can I do to help?
Measure the carbon footprint of your business or workplace and then measure it again in six months, 12 months and so on, to see the effects of your actions.
Does your office or business have a written environmental policy? If not, ask about instigating one.
- Start with the basics – Set up a recycling scheme for scrap paper. Make sure recycling bins are close to people’s desks – so it’s easier to recycle it than bin it. Turn scrap paper into notepads.
- Giving your equipment a second chance – Make use of computer and electronic recycling schemes for old equipment.
- Buy smart – When buying printers, photocopiers or fax machines
- Longer life products – Use products with a longer life, such as low energy light bulbs, which last up to eight times longer than ordinary light bulbs and also reduce energy costs.
- Stretching the envelope – Reuse envelopes for internal circulation and buy envelope reuse labels, these can be purchased with company logos on.
- Drinks cans – Set up an aluminium recycling scheme at the office, especially if you have a vending machine with canned drinks. It’s also a good way to raise money for charity.
Ideas for a Green Workplace
Below are some suggestions and ideas to help you reach your aims of reducing your impact on the environment at work. This list is just a starting point, consider other ideas too, there is always room for improvement.
- Use public transport, cycle or walk to work. If that’s not possible, use a low emission car or car share. Ask about installing secure bicycle racks at work.
- When refurbishing use eco-friendly materials and building techniques
- Change to a green electricity supplier
- Use eco-friendly cleaning materials at work and recycle as much as possible
- Consider everything you buy and use at work and be aware of it’s impact on the environment whether through manufacturing, mining, deforestation or pollution
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Carbon Footprint Calculator
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