Day 3 Highlights

Day 3 highlights for Pope Francis’ Apostolic Journey to Mongolia.

Pope at Mass in Mongolia: Christian faith is answer to thirst for love

In his homily during Sunday Mass in Ulaanbaatar, Pope Francis reflects on “the thirst” within every human being and “the love that quenches that thirst.”

Mongolia, an “immense” country, “rich in history and culture”, is yet “marked by the aridity of the steppes and the desert” – an apt metaphor for the thirst for happiness and love that is found in the heart of every human being.

In his homily during Mass on Sunday in Ulaanbaatar’s Steppe Arena, Pope Francis dwelt on this “thirst within us” and “the love that quenches it,” taking his inspiration from the day’s responsorial Psalm: “O God… my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.”