Living Wage Encyclicals

A Papal Encyclical is a circular letter which is written by a Pope to an audience of bishops and is intended to guide them in their ministry. Here you will find the Encyclicals with a focus on Social Teaching.

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A Papal Encyclical is a circular letter which is written by a Pope to an audience of bishops and is intended to guide them in their ministry. Every encyclical is made publicly available for the spiritual benefit of all the people of God. Here you will find the Encyclicals with a focus on Social Teaching they are available below as PDF downloads.

Centesimus Annus
Encyclical letter by Pope John Paul II on The Hundreth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum

Laborem Exercens
Encyclical letter by Pope John Paul II on Human Work

Mater et Magistra
Encyclical of Pope John XXIII on Christianity and Social Progress

Quadragesimo Anno
Encyclical of Pope Pius XI on Reconstruction of the Social Order

Rerum Novarum
Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII on Capital and Labor