Principle 6 – Love The Stranger

The sixth guiding principle of our document Love the Stranger


We affirm the responsibility of the Church and civil society to help people in their homelands, including through the work of organisations such as CAFOD, Missio, Pax Christi, and Aid to the Church in Need

Intercessory Prayer

We pray for all dedicated to the task of improving the quality of life
in countries afflicted by poverty, war and persecution
for the agencies and charities, for fieldworkers and members of the church
who accompany and lift up the poor
May their work bear fruit, providing relief and building justice for the good of society
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


‘Love the Stranger’ presents a Catholic response to refugees and migrants. It is a 2023 document of the Department for International Affairs.

< Principle 5

Principle 7 >