Mission made Possible

It is totally possible to have conversations with people that give life and help them to come closer to Jesus. Mission Made Possible helps you to do just.

Take a step of faith

Is the thought of sharing your faith just too scary? Do you wish you could help your family, friends and others to come to know Jesus, but you just don’t know where to start? Are you thinking; ‘that’s not for me, I could never do that’? Well you are not alone.

Join Catholics in our diocese and across the globe who feel exactly the same way.

You are invited to become missionary and deepen your journey of discipleship from home. Our online course will help you to have conversations about faith. Conversations with friends, family or in daily life that don’t make anyone else feel awkward but could be life changing.

If you would like to learn more about our bespoke formation, please send an email with your telephone number to jonathan.bielawski@prcdtr.org.uk and follow this link to watch the overview video;

Find out more about Genesis Mission and how God is helping people to become missionary disciples.