My faith, awakened

Patrick was already a Christian, but experienced a new depth to his faith when he had an encounter with Christ.

Life was unfocused, busy living for the now and thinking I could control and direct my life through my efforts alone. I have the blessing of being born into a Christian family, so was always conscious of the Lord’s presence in my life and answering my prayers.

Having heard about a few times I joined the parish Alpha course . Something, I know now was Jesus, caused me to join one late in 2019. Whilst I thought I had a connection with Jesus before Alpha, now I have a stronger faith. My relationship was good before Alpha but is now I am much more ‘awake’ to my God and religion.

I enjoy prayer more and spend more time praying. God has helped me in many ways, some large, some small. For example, I have learned to forgive. This is something I need to keep working on, with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Faith affects our lives

Daily God helps me out at work, giving me support and ideas I never had before. I show and share my religious beliefs more with family and friends. I am a happier person. Because The love of Jesus and his promise of eternal life with him is very real to me. Eternal life is not worth having if it is not with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I want eternal life now, whereas before it felt like a ‘prize’s for living a good life.

God works through me now, he has helped a friend beat cancer through the power of our prayer group. He helps me and others by giving us the knowledge and abilities to help them. I realise all my abilities have come from God. They are gifts to use in this world to make it a better place where and when I can.

Now, I keep praying, keep showing and sharing my belief in the Good News, keep  trying to be a follower of Jesus on this earth until I am called to meet him in Paradise. I’d like to encourage anyone with questions about faith, life or your purpose to go to Alpha, it poses and answers questions for you to digest in your own way and it will nurture whatever spark of faith you must already have. There is a spark of faith within if you have questions. Let the Holy Spirit nurture that spark until it becomes the same flame of faith in you. The Apostles and first Christians had this after encountering Jesus while he was on earth. He has not left us so you too can encounter him like they, and I did.